
Host organism: Zea mays (Maize)
Zea Mays photo

Altered growth characteristics resulting from the introduction of a Ga20Oxidase-1 gene

Project title: 
Scientific field research using maize that has altered growth characteristics
Year(s) of release: 
2012, 2013, 2014
Effective year(s) of release: 
25 May 2012 to 11 October 2013
Period of release: 
April/May to October
Municipality of Wetteren
Number of sites: 
Total surface: 
500 m²
Monitoring measures: 

During the trial: visual control of the flowering; each male spike will immediately be removed and destroyed. After the trial: cultivation on the parcel of a slow growing crop (other than maize) with visual control twice a month from May till August; every appearing maize plant will immediately be removed and destroyed.


Authorized on 10 April 2012

Type of procedure: 
Standard procedure - Chapter II Royal Decree 21 February 2005

Information related to the decision procedure