Autorisations de commercialisation d'OGM médicinaux à usage vétérinaire

Application number EMEA/V/C/003703
Marketing authorisation holder Boehringer ingelheim International GmbH
Name of the product Bovela
Active substances Live double gene deleted bovine viral diarrhoea virus type 1 (strain ke-9) Live double gene deleted bovine viral diarrhoea virus type 2 (strain ny-93)
Parental organism Bovine viral diarrhoea virus - BVD-1 and BVD-2
Transgene(s) -
Treated organism Cattle
Indication(s) Vaccination of cattle against Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVD-1 and BVD-2E)
Administration route(s) Intramuscular
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal framework Council regulation (EEC) 2309/93 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 90/220/EEC, part C and the Royal Decree of 18/12/1998, article 22
Competent authority EMEA/European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the advice of the Biosafety Advisory Council No advice
EMEA (CVMP) opinion (date) Positive (09/10/2014)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/14/176 (22/12/2014)
European Commission decision Community register of medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMEA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to EMA website)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage None


Equilis StrepE
Application number EMEA/V/C/078
Marketing authorisation holder Intervet International bv
Name of the product Equilis StrepE
Active substances Live recombinant Streptococcus equi strain TW928 deletion mutant
Parental organism Streptococcus equi virus strain TW928
Transgene(s) Deletion mutant strain TW928 of Streptococcus equi
Treated organism Horses
Indication(s) Active immunisation of horses of 4 months of age or older against Streptococcus equi infection (strangles) to reduce clinical signs and occurence of lymph node abscesses.
Administration route(s) Submucosally into the inside of the upper lip
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame Council regulation (EEC) 2309/93 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 90/220/EEC, part C and the Royal Decree of 18/12/1998, article 22
Competent authority EMEA/European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the meeting of the Biosafety Advisory Council 03/02/2003
EMEA (CVMP) opinion (date) Positive (10/02/2004)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/04/043/001 (07/05/2004)
European Commission decision Community register of Medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMEA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to EMA website)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage None


Hiprabovis IBR Marker Live
Application number EMEA/V/C/000158
Marketing authorisation holder Laboratorios HIPRA S.A.
Name of the product Hiprabovis IBR Marker Live
Active substances Live gE- tk- double-gene deleted Bovine Herpes Virus type 1 (BoHv-1), strain CEDDEL
Parental organism Bovine Herpes Virus
Transgene(s) Double deleted strain of IBR (strain CEDDEL) - deletion of regions of the virus genome that cpde for glycoprotein E (gE) and for the enzyme thymidine kinase (tk)
Treated organism Cattle
Indication(s) Vaccination of cattle (cows and calves) against respiratory infections caused by infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR)
Administration route(s) Intramuscular
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame Council regulation (EC) No 726/2004 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 2001/18/EC, part C and the Royal Decree of 21/02/2005, article 27
Competent authority EMA/European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the advice of the Biosafety Advisory Council 15/06/2009
EMA (CVMP) opinion (date) Positive 13/11/2010)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/10/114 (27/01/2011)
European Commission decision Community register of medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to EMA Web site)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage None


Application number EMEA/V/C/003869
Marketing authorisation holder Intervet International
Name of the product Innovax-ILT
Active substances Live recombinant turkey herpesvirus (strain HVT/ILT-138)
Parental organism Turkey herpesvirus
Transgene(s) Glycoproteins gD and gI of infectious laryngotracheitis virus
Treated organism Chickens
Indication(s) Vaccination of chickens against Marek's disease and Infectious Laryngotracheitis
Administration route(s) Subcutaneous
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame Council regulation (EC) No 726/2004 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 2001/18/EC, part C and the Royal Decree of 21/02/2005, article 27
Competent authority EMA/European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the advice of the Biosafety Advisory Council 10/06/2014, 03/03/2015, 17/04/2015
EMA (CVMP) opinion (date) Positive (07/05/2015)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/15/182 (03/07/2015)
European Commission decision Community register of medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to EMA website)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage None


Nobivac Myxo-RHD
Application number EMEA/V/C/002004
Marketing authorisation holder Intervet International
Name of the product Nobivac Myxo-RHD
Active substances Live attenuated Myxoma virus strain
Parental organism Myxoma virus
Transgene(s) Myxoma virus strain expressing the capsid protein gene of rabbit haemorrhagic disease
Treated organism Rabbits
Indication(s) Vaccination of rabbits against myxomatose and haemorrhagic disease
Administration route(s) Subcutaneous
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame Council regulation (EC) No 726/2004 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 2001/18/EC, part C and the Royal Decree of 21/02/2005, article 27
Competent authority EMA / European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the advice of the Biosafety Advisory Council 17/05/2010
EMA (CVMP) opinion (date) Positive (14/07/2011)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/11/132/ (07/09/2011)
European Commission decision Community register of medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to EMA Web site)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage None


Nobi-Porvac Aujeszky
Application number Not available
Marketing authorisation holder Vemie Veterinär Chemie Gmbh, Germany
Name of the product Nobi-Porvac Aujeszky live (gl, tk) (with Diluvac forte)
Active substances Live attenuated Aujeszky's Disease Virus, strain Begonia
Parental organism Aujeszky's Disease Virus, strain Begonia
Transgene(s) 2 genes of the virus have been deleted : glycoprotein gene and thymidine kinase gene
Treated organism Pigs
Indication(s) Immunisation of pigs against Aujeszky disease
Administration route(s) Intramuscular or intra-dermal
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame European Directive 90/220/EEC, part C
Competent authority European Commission
Belgian advisory body Not applicable
EMEA (CVMP) opinion Not applicable
European Commission authorisation number (date) C/D/92/I-1 (18/12/1992 for intramuscular) and 31994D0505 (18/07/1994 for intra-dermal)
European Commission decision Decision 94/505/EC (link to the Eur-lex website)
European Public Assessment Report Not available
Product information leaflet Not available
Summary of product characteristics Not available
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage Not applicable


Oncept IL-2
Application number EMEA/V/C/002562
Marketing authorisation holder Merial
Name of the product Oncept IL-2
Active substances Feline interleukine-2 recombinant canarypox virus (VCP1338 virus)
Parental organism Live attenuated canrypox virus (clone ALVAC)
Transgene(s) Feline gene coding for interleukin-2
Treated organism Cats
Indication(s) Fibrosarcoma
Administration route(s) Subcutaneous
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame Council regulation (EEC) 2309/93 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 90/220/EEC, part C and the Royal Decree of 18/12/1998, article 22
Competent authority EMA/European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the advice of the Biosafety Advisory Council 07/02/2012 and 26/10/2012
EMA (CVMP) opinion (date) Positive (07/03/2013)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/13/150 (03/05/2013)
European Commission decision Community register of medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to EMA Web site)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage None


Poulvac E. coli
Application number EMEA/V/C/002007
Marketing authorisation holder Pfizer Ltd
Name of the product Poulvac E. coli
Active substances Live aroA gene deleted Escherichia coli, type O78
Parental organism Escherichia coli
Transgene(s) -
Treated organism Chickens
Indication(s) Vaccination of chickens against E. coli O78
Administration route(s) Coarse spray
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame Council regulation (EEC) 2309/93 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 90/220/EEC, part C and the Royal Decree of 18/12/1998, article 22
Competent authority EMA/European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the advice of the Biosafety Advisory Council 09/05/2011
EMA (CVMP) opinion (date) Positive (13/04/2012)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/12/140 (15/06/2012)
European Commission decision Community register of medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to EMA Web site)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage None


Application number EMEA/V/C/073
Marketing authorisation holder MERIAL, France
Name of the product ProteqFLU
Active substances Live recombinant canarypox viruses expressing the haemagglutin HA gene from the equine influenza virus strains A/equi-2/Kentucky/94 (USA representative) and A/equi-2/Newmarket/293 (European representative).
Parental organism Canarypox virus
Transgene(s) Haemagglutin HA gene from the equine influenza virus strains A/equi-2/Kentucky/94 (American strain) and A/equi-2/Newmarket/2/93 (European strain)
Treated organism Horses
Indication(s) Active immunisation of horses of 4 months of age or older against equine influenza to reduce clinical signs and virus excretion after infection.
Administration route(s) Intramuscular
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame Council regulation (EEC) 2309/93 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 90/220/EEC, part C and the Royal Decree of 18/12/1998, article 22
Competent authority EMEA/European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the meeting of the Biosafety Advisory Council 04/02/2002
EMEA (CVMP) opinion (date) Positive (13/11/2002)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/03/037/001-2-3-4 (06/03/2003)
European Commission decision Community register of medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMEA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to EMEA Web site)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage Not applicable


Application number EMEA/V/C/074
Marketing authorisation holder MERIAL, France
Name of the product ProteqFLU-Te
Active substances Live recombinant canarypox viruses expressing the haemagglutin HA gene from the equine influenza virus strains A/equi-2/Kentucky/94 (USA representative) and A/equi-2/Newmarket/293 (European representative) + tetanus toxoid.
Parental organism Canarypox virus
Transgene(s) Haemagglutin HA gene from the equine influenza virus strains A/equi-2/Kentucky/94 (American strain) and A/equi-2/Newmarket/2/93 (European strain)
Treated organism Horses
Indication(s) Active immunisation of horses of 4 months of age or older against equine influenza to reduce clinical signs and virus excretion after infection and against tetanus to prevent mortality.
Administration route(s) Intramuscular
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame Council regulation (EEC) 2309/93 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 90/220/EEC, part C and the Royal Decree of 18/12/1998, article 22
Competent authority EMEA/European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the meeting of the Biosafety Advisory Council 04/02/2002
EMEA (CVMP) opinion (date) Positive (13/11/2002)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/03/038/001-2-3-4 (06/03/2003)
European Commission decision Community register of medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMEA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to EMEA Web site)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage B/BE/00/V15


Proteq WestNile
Application number EMEA/V/C/002005
Marketing authorisation holder Merial
Name of the product Proteq WestNile
Active substances Live attenuated recombinant canarypox virus
Parental organism Canarypox virus
Transgene(s) Canarypox virus expressing the preM and E genes of West Nile virus
Treated organism Horses
Indication(s) Vaccination of horses against West Nile virus fever
Administration route(s) Intramuscular
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame Council regulation (EC) No 726/2004 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 2001/18/EC, part C and the Royal Decree of 21/02/2005, article 27
Competent authority EMA / European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the advice of the Biosafety Advisory Council 26/08/2010 ; 08/04/2011
EMA (CVMP) opinion (date) Positive (09/06/2011)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/11/129/ (05/08/2011)
European Commission decision Community register of medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to EMA Web site)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage None


Purevax FeLV (formerly Eurifel FeLV)
Application number EMEA/V/C/056/01/0/0
Marketing authorisation holder MERIAL, France
Name of the product Purevax FeLV (formerly Eurifel FeLV)
Active substances Canarypoxvirus (ALVAC), the genome of which contains the env and gag genes and part of the pol gene of the subgroup A of the FeLV virus (strain vCP97).
Parental organism Canarypox virus
Transgene(s) Env and gag genes and part of the pol gene of the subgroup A of the FeLV virus (strain vCP97)
Treated organism Cats
Indication(s) Active immunisation of cats of 8 weeks of age or older against feline leukaemia for the prevention of persistent viraemia and clinical manifestations of the disease.
Administration route(s) Subcutaneous
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame Council regulation (EEC) 2309/93 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 90/220/EEC, part C and the Royal Decree of 18/12/1998, article 22
Competent authority EMEA/European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the meeting of the Biosafety Advisory Council 18/03/1999
EMEA (CVMP) opinion (date) Positive (08/12/1999)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/00/019/001-002-003-004 (13/04/2000)
European Commission decision Community register of medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMEA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to EMEA Web site)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage B/BE/99/VW8


Purevax rabies
Application number EMEA/V/C/002003
Marketing authorisation holder Merial
Name of the product Purevax rabies
Active substances Rabies recombinant canarypox virus
Parental organism Canarypox virus
Transgene(s) Canarypox virus expressing the surface glycoprotein G gene from Rabies virus, called VCP65
Treated organism Cats
Indication(s) Vaccination of cats against rabies
Administration route(s) Subcutaneous
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame Council regulation (EC) No 726/2004 (full text in English) and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 2001/18/EC, part C and the Royal Decree of 21/02/2005, article 27
Competent authority EMA / European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the advice of the Biosafety Advisory Council 15/03/2010 ; 28/10/2010
EMA (CVMP) opinion (date) Positive (08/12/2010)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/10/117/ (18/02/2011)
European Commission decision Community register of medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to EMA Web site)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage None


Purevax RCP FeLV (formerly Eurifel RCP FeLV) 
Application number EMEA/V/C/067/01/0/0
Marketing authorisation holder MERIAL, France
Name of the product Eurifel RCPFeLV
Active substances FeLV (vCP97) recombinant canarypox virus = same as in Eurifel FeLV + attenuated feline panleucopenia virus (PLI IV), type 1 feline herpesvirus antigen (C27), feline calcivirus antigen (FCV255)
Parental organism Canarypox virus
Transgene(s) Env and gag genes and part of the pol gene of the subgroup A of the FeLV virus (strain vCP97)
Treated organism Cats
Indication(s) Active immunisation of cats of 8 weeks of age or older against feline infectious rhinotracheitis and calcivirus infection to reduce clinical signs and viral excretion; againts feline panleucopenia to prevent mortality and reduce clinical signs; and against feline leukaemia to prevent persistent viraemia and reduce clinical signs of the disease.
Administration route(s) Subcutaneous
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame Council regulation (EEC) 2309/93 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 90/220/EEC, part C and the Royal Decree of 18/12/1998, article 22
Competent authority EMEA/European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the meeting of the Biosafety Advisory Council No meeting (same GMO as in Eurifel FeLV)
EMEA (CVMP) opinion (date) Positive (05/12/2001)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/02/031/001-2 (08/03/2002)
European Commission decision Withdrawn from use in the European Union on 29/05/2007 (no renewal was requested)
European Public Assessment Report (including EMEA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to EMEA Web site)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage Not applicable


Raboral V-RG
Application number C/B/92/B28 and C/F/93/03-02
Marketing authorisation holder Rhône-Mérieux
Name of the product Raboral V-RG
Active substances Vaccinia virus expressing glycoprotein G of the rabies virus
Parental organism Vaccinia virus, Copenhagen strain
Transgene(s) Gene expressing glycoprotein G of the rabies virus
Treated organism Foxes
Indication(s) Oral live anti-rabies vaccine for foxes, to be administered in bait
Administration route(s) Bait, oral
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame European Directive 90/220/EEC, part C
Competent authority European Commission
Belgian advisory body Institute of Public Health
EMEA (CVMP) opinion Not applicable
CVMP opinion date Not applicable
European Commission authorisation number (date) 91993D0572 (19/10/1993)
European Commission decision Decision 93/572/EEC (link to Eur-lex website)
European Public assessment report Not available
Product information leaflet Not available
Summary of product characteristics Not available
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage Not applicable


Suvaxyn Aujeszky
Application number Not available
Marketing authorisation holder Fort Dodge Animal Health Holland
Name of the product Suvaxyn Aujeszky 783 + O/W
Active substances Live attenuated Aujeszky's Disease Virus, strain NIA3-783
Parental organism Aujeszky's Disease Virus, strain NIA3-783
Transgene(s) 2 genes of the virus have been deleted : thymidine kinase gene and glycoprotein E gene
Treated organism Pigs
Indication(s) Active immunisation of pigs of 10 weeks of age to prevent the mortality and clinical signs of Aujeszky's Disease and to reduce the excretion of Aujeszky's Disease field virus. Passive immunisation of the progeny of vaccinated gilts and sows to reduce mortality and clinical signs of Aujeszky's Disease and to reduce the excretion of Aujeszky's Disease field virus.
Administration route(s) Intramuscular
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame

Council regulation (EEC) 2309/93 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 90/220/EEC, part C

Competent authority European Commission
Belgian advisory body Not applicable
EMEA (CVMP) opinion (date) Positive (08/12/1999)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/98/009/001-006 (07/08/1998)
European Commission decision Community register of medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMEA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to EMEA Web site)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage Not applicable


Suvaxyn CSF Marker
Application number EMEA/V/C/002757
Marketing authorisation holder Zoetis Belgium S.A.
Name of the product Suvaxyn CSF Markerovela
Active substances Live recombinant E2 gene deleted Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus containing Classical Swine Fever E2 (CP7-E2alf)
Parental organism Bovine viral diarrhoea virus
Transgene(s) Classical Swine Fever E2
Treated organism Pigs
Indication(s) Vaccination of pigs against Classical Swine Fever virus
Administration route(s) Intramuscular
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame Council regulation (EEC) 2309/93 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 90/220/EEC, part C and the Royal Decree of 18/12/1998, article 22
Competent authority EMA/European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the advice of the Biosafety Advisory Council none
EMA (CVMP) opinion (date) Positive (11/12/2014)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/14/179 (10/02/2015)
European Commission decision Community register of medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to EMA Web site)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage None


Vaxxitek HVT + IBD (formerly Gallivac HVT IBD)
Application number EMEA/V/C/065
Marketing authorisation holder MERIAL, France
Name of the product Vaxxitek HVT + IBD (Gallivac HVT IBD)
Active substances Live vHVT013-69 virus (= recombinant Herpesvirus of turkeys)
Parental organism Herpesvirus of turkeys (HVT) FC-126 strain
Transgene(s) VP2 gene of the Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV) strain Faragher 52/70
Treated organism Chickens
Indication(s) Active immunisation of day-old chickens: to prevent mortality and reduce clinical signs and lesions of infectious Bursal disease; to reduce mortality, clinical signs and lesions of Marek's disease.
Administration route(s) Subcutaneous
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame Council regulation (EEC) 2309/93 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 90/220/EEC, part C and the Royal Decree of 18/12/1998, article 22
Competent authority EMEA/European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the meeting of the Biosafety Advisory Council 05/10/2000
EMEA (CVMP) opinion (date) Positive (17/04/2002)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/02/032/001 (09/08/2002)
European Commission decision Community register of medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMEA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to EMEA Web site)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage Not applicable


Vectormune ND
Application number EMEA/V/C/003829
Marketing authorisation holder CEVA-Phylaxia Co. Ltd.
Name of the product Vectormune ND
Active substances Live recombinant turkey herpes virus (rHVT/ND)
Parental organism Turkey herpes virus
Transgene(s) Fusion protein of Newcastle diseases virus D-26 lentogenic strain
Treated organism Chickens
Indication(s) Vaccination of chickens against Newcastle disease and Marek's disease
Administration route(s) Subcutaneous
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal framework Council regulation (EEC) 2309/93 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 90/220/EEC, part C and the Royal Decree of 18/12/1998, article 22
Competent authority EMEA/European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the advice of the Biosafety Advisory Council 11/08/2014, 27/04/2015
EMEA (CVMP) opinion (date) Positive (10/07/2015)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/15/188 (08/09/2015)
European Commission decision Community register of medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMEA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to EMA website)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage None


Prevexxion RN
Application number EMEA/V/C/005057
Marketing authorisation holder Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH
Name of the product Prevexxion RN
Active substances Live recombinant Marek’s disease (MD) virus, serotype 1, strain RN1250
Parental organism Attenuated Marek’s disease virus (MDV) CVI988 parental vaccine virus
Transgene(s) /
Treated organism Chickens
Indication(s) Vaccination against Marek's disease​
Administration route(s) Subcutaneous injection
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame Council regulation (EC) No 726/2004 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 2001/18/EC, part C and the Royal Decree of 21/02/2005, article 27
Competent authority EMA/European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the advice of the Biosafety Advisory Council 18/03/2019
EMA (CHMP) opinion (date) Positive (25-05-2020)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/20/254 (20/07/2020)
European Commission decision Community register of medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to Web site of EMA)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage none


Prevexxion RN HVT IBD
Application number EMEA/V/C/005058
Marketing authorisation holder Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH
Name of the product Prevexxion RN HVT IBD
Active substances Two live recombinant Marek’s disease virus, serotype 1, strain RN1250 and live recombinant turkey herpesvirus, expressing the VP2 protein of infectious bursal disease virus, strain vHVT013-69
Parental organism Attenuated Marek’s disease virus (MDV) CVI988 parental vaccine virus and recombinant turkey Herpesvirus (HVT)
Transgene(s) VP2 protein of infectious bursal disease (IBD) virus
Treated organism One-day-old Chickens
Indication(s) Vaccination against Marek's and IBD Gumboro's diseases
Administration route(s) Subcutaneous injection
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame Council regulation (EC) No 726/2004 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 2001/18/EC, part C and the Royal Decree of 21/02/2005, article 27
Competent authority EMA/European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the advice of the Biosafety Advisory Council 18/03/2019
EMA (CHMP) opinion (date) Positive (25-05-2020)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/20/255 (20/07/2020)
European Commission decision Community register of medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to Web site of EMA)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage none


Vectormune FP ILT + AE
Application number ​EMEA/V/C/005077
Marketing authorisation holder CEVA-Phylaxia Co. Ltd.
Name of the product Vectormune FP ILT + AE
Active substances Live recombinant fowlpox virus expressing the membrane fusion protein and the encapsidation protein of avian infectious laryngotracheitis virus (rFP-LT) and avian encephalomyelitis virus, strain Calnek 1143 (AE)
Parental organism Genetically modified folpox virus (FPV)
Transgene(s) The membrane fusion protein and the encapsidation protein of avian infectious laryngotracheitis virus (rFP-LT)
Treated organism Chickens
Indication(s) Vaccination against fowlpox, avian infectious laryngotracheitis and avian encephalomyelitis
Administration route(s) Subcutaneous wing web injection
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame Council regulation (EC) No 726/2004 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 2001/18/EC, part C and the Royal Decree of 21/02/2005, article 27
Competent authority EMA/European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the advice of the Biosafety Advisory Council 18/03/2019, 25/10/2019
EMA (CHMP) opinion (date) Positive (21/02/2020)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/20/250 (24/04/2020)
European Commission decision Community register of medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to Web site of EMA)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage none


Innovax ND-ILT
Application number ​EMEA/V/C/005190
Marketing authorisation holder Intervet International B.V.
Name of the product Innovax ND-ILT
Active substances Cell-associated live recombinant turkey herpesvirus (strain HVT/NDV/ILT) expressing the fusion protein of newcastle disease virus and the glycoproteins gD and gI of infectious laryngotracheitis virus
Parental organism Cell-associated live recombinant turkey herpesvirus
Transgene(s) Fusion protein of Newcastle disease virus and the glycoproteins gD and gI of laryngotracheitis virus
Treated organism Chickens, Embryonated chicken eggs
Indication(s) Vaccination against Newcastle disease (ND) virus, avian infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) virus and Marek’s disease (MD) virus
Administration route(s) Subcutaneous injection, in ovo
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame Council regulation (EC) No 726/2004 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 2001/18/EC, part C and the Royal Decree of 21/02/2005, article 27
Competent authority EMA/European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the advice of the Biosafety Advisory Council 04/11/2019
EMA (CHMP) opinion (date) Positive (17/07/2020)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/20/256 (16-09-2020)
European Commission decision Community register of medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to Web site of EMA)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage none


Ultifend ND IBD
Application number ​EMEA/V/C/005347
Marketing authorisation holder CEVA-Phylaxia Veterinary Biologicals Co. Ltd
Name of the product Ultifend ND IBD
Active substances cell-associated live recombinant turkey herpesvirus expressing the fusion protein of ND virus and the VP2 protein of IBD virus
Parental organism Turkey herpesvirus strain rHVT/ND/IBD
Transgene(s) Fusion protein of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and the VP2 protein of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV)
Treated organism Chickens, Embryonated chicken eggs
Indication(s) Vaccination against Newcastle disease (ND) virus, avian infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) virus and Marek’s disease (MD) virus
Administration route(s) Subcutaneous injection
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame Council regulation (EC) No 726/2004 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 2001/18/EC, part C and the Royal Decree of 21/02/2005, article 27
Competent authority EMA/European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the advice of the Biosafety Advisory Council 20/02/2020
EMA (CHMP) opinion (date) Positive (17/02/2021)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/21/272 (20-04-2021)
European Commission decision Community register of medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to Web site of EMA)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage none


Nobivac DP plus
Application number ​EMEA/V/C/005251
Marketing authorisation holder Intervet International B.V.
Name of the product Nobivac DP plus
Active substances Live attenuated canine distemper virus strain Onderstepoort and Live recombinant canine parvovirus strain 630a
Parental organism CDV strain Onderstepoort and CPV strain 630a
Transgene(s) Attenuated capsid of the circulating type 2c CPV isolate
Treated organism Puppies
Indication(s) Vaccination against canine distemper virus (CDV) and canine parvovirus (CPV)
Administration route(s) Subcutaneous injection
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame Council regulation (EC) No 726/2004 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 2001/18/EC, part C and the Royal Decree of 21/02/2005, article 27
Competent authority EMA/European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the advice of the Biosafety Advisory Council 20/02/2020, 25/06/2020, 23/09/2020
EMA (CHMP) opinion (date) Positive (09/10/2020)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/20/265 (09-12-2020)
European Commission decision Community register of medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to Web site of EMA)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage none


Newflend ND H9
Application number EMEA/V/C/005860
Marketing authorisation holder CEVA-Phylaxia Co. Ltd
Name of the product Newflend ND H9
Active substances Live recombinant turkey herpesvirus
Parental organism Turkey herpesvirus
Transgene(s) Fusion protein of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and the hemagglutinin of low pathogenic avian influenza virus, subtype H9 (LPAI-H9)
Treated organism Chickens
Indication(s) Vaccination against LPAI
Administration route(s) Subcutaneous injection or in ovo
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame Council regulation (EC) No 726/2004 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 2001/18/EC, part C and the Royal Decree of 21/02/2005, article 27
Competent authority EMA/European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the advice of the Biosafety Advisory Council 23/03/2022
EMA (CHMP) opinion (date) Positive (24/03/2023)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/23/296 (15/05/2023)
European Commission decision Community register of medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to Web site of EMA)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage none


Application number EMEA/V/C/005905
Marketing authorisation holder Intervet International B.V
Name of the product Innovax-ILT-IBD
Active substances Live recombinant turkey herpesvirus
Parental organism Turkey herpesvirus
Transgene(s) VP2 gene of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) and the Infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) glycoproteins D and I
Treated organism Chickens
Indication(s) Vaccination against infectious Laryngotracheitis virus, infectious bursal disease and Marek's disease
Administration route(s) Subcutaneous injection or intramuscular or in ovo
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame Council regulation (EC) No 726/2004 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 2001/18/EC, part C and the Royal Decree of 21/02/2005, article 27
Competent authority EMA/European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the advice of the Biosafety Advisory Council 12/04/2022
EMA (CHMP) opinion (date) Positive (15/02/2023)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/23/292 (14/04/2023)
European Commission decision Community register of medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to Web site of EMA)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage none


Poulvac Procerta HVT-IBD
Application number EMEA/V/C/006000
Marketing authorisation holder Zoetis Belgium SA
Name of the product Poulvac Procerta HVT-IBD
Active substances Live recombinant turkey herpesvirus
Parental organism Turkey herpesvirus (HVT, FC-126 strain)
Transgene(s) VP2 gene of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV)
Treated organism Chickens
Indication(s) Vaccination infectious bursal disease and Marek's disease
Administration route(s) Subcutaneous injection or in ovo
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame Council regulation (EC) No 726/2004 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 2001/18/EC, part C and the Royal Decree of 21/02/2005, article 27
Competent authority EMA/European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the advice of the Biosafety Advisory Council 10/11/2022
EMA (CHMP) opinion (date) Positive (08/09/2023)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/23/300 (26/10/2023)
European Commission decision Community register of medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to Web site of EMA)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage none


Prevexxion RN+HVT
Application number EMEA/V/C/006146
Marketing authorisation holder Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH
Name of the product Prevexxion RN+HVT
Active substances A genetically modified Marek’s disease virus serotype 1 strain RN1250 and the Turkey Herpesvirus FC126 vaccine strain
Parental organism Attenuated Marek’s disease virus (MDV) CVI988 parental vaccine virus and turkey Herpesvirus (HVT)
Transgene(s) RN1250 derived from CVI988 with 2 copies of REV LTR from MDV RMI strain
Treated organism One-day-old chickens
Indication(s) Vaccination against Marek's disease
Administration route(s) Subcutaneous injection
Type of authorisation Centralised at European level
Legal frame Council regulation (EC) No 726/2004 and the environmental safety requirements laid down by European Directive 2001/18/EC, part C and the Royal Decree of 21/02/2005, article 27
Competent authority EMA/European Commission
Belgian advisory body Biosafety Advisory Council
Date of the advice of the Biosafety Advisory Council 16/01/2023
EMA (CHMP) opinion (date) Positive (08/09/2023)
European Commission authorisation number (date) EU/2/23/302 (24/10/2023)
European Commission decision Community register of medicinal products
European Public Assessment Report (including EMA opinion, Product information leaflet and Summary of product characteristics in all EU languages) EPAR (link to Web site of EMA)
Notifications to Belgian authorities while in Research and Development stage none