Past Events

  • Formation en biosécurité HE2B ISIB
    12/01/2024 (Jour entier) - 30/08/2024 (Jour entier)

    Ce certificat offre une formation très complète et de haute qualité à toutes les personnes ayant la responsabilité de la biosécurité dans une entreprise utilisant des agents biologiques, pathogènes ou génétiquement modifiés.

  • Principles of Biosafety International Course 2023
    11/09/2023 (Jour entier) - 15/09/2023 (Jour entier)

    An intensive 5-day course providing a comprehensive review of all essential elements of assessing and managing biological risks. Theoretical aspects will be combined with diverse topics focused on daily practice, including visits to laboratories and live action. 

  • Dangerous goods shipping course
    23/03/2023 (Jour entier)

    IATA DGR Training for Infectious Substances Category B, Genetically modified microorganisms and Dry Ice

  • Viruses, Replicons and Vaccines: opportunities, risks and regulation
    09/03/2023 (Jour entier)

    International symposium, organised by COGEM, on advancements in viral research and applications of viruses for medical purposes.

  • Certificat en biosécurité
    06/01/2023 (Jour entier) - 23/06/2023 (Jour entier)

    Seule formation certifiée en Belgique francophone.
    Formation continue pour le monde professionnel (17 crédits)
    Organisé par la Haute Ecole Bruxelles-Brabant, Ecole d’Ingénieurs industriels ISIB.
    En partenariat avec Sciensano, l'Université Libre de Bruxelles, Facultés de médecine et des Bioingénieurs et des experts externes

  • 65th Annual Biosafety and Biosecurity Hybrid Conference
    14/10/2022 (Jour entier) - 19/10/2022 (Jour entier)

    Annual Conference of the American Biological Safety Association

  • 9th meeting of the IOBC-WPRS working group
    28/09/2022 (Jour entier) - 30/09/2022 (Jour entier)

    Meeting of the working group "Modern Biotechnology in Integrated Plant Production" of the International Organisation for Biological and Integrated Control (IOBC-WPRS). The working group aims to present a platform for exchange of research results and to stimulate collaborative projects dealing with biotechnological applications including GMOs in agriculture, their potential for integrated production systems, and their impact on the environment.

  • 4th international workshop on regulatory approaches for animal biotechnology
    12/09/2022 (Jour entier) - 16/09/2022 (Jour entier)

    This workshop will address elements of regulatory frameworks for the food and environmental safety assessment of products from animals produced using animal biotechnologies.

  • 17th CDC International Symposium on Biosafety
    27/08/2022 (Jour entier) - 31/08/2022 (Jour entier)

    Beyond the Pandemic: Building on the Lessons Learned

  • EBSA Conference 2022 and Preconference courses
    17/05/2022 (Jour entier) - 20/05/2022 (Jour entier)

    Annual conference of the European Biosafety Association (EBSA)

  • Genome Engineering and Synthetic Biology (4th edition)
    23/09/2021 (Jour entier) - 24/09/2021 (Jour entier)

    A VIB Tools & Technologies conference.
    Genome Engineering and Synthetic Biology are revolutionizing Life Sciences. Driven by advances in the CRISPR-toolbox for rapid, cheap, multiplex modification of genomes and breakthroughs in DNA synthesis technologies, the pace of progress enabled by these tools in the last years has been breathtaking.

  • Course 'Principles of Biosafety'
    13/09/2021 (Jour entier) - 04/10/2021 (Jour entier)

    This international course provides a comprehensive review of all essential elements of risk assessment and risk management and highlights topics indispensable for biosafety practitioners to fulfil their tasks.

  • Transgenic Animal Research Conference (TARC) XIII
    09/08/2021 (Jour entier) - 12/08/2021 (Jour entier)

    Biannual international conference hosted by UC Davis focused on current developments on the genetic engineering and gene editing of livestock, poultry and fish.


  • GMO Workshop on allergenicity assessment
    16/06/2021 (Jour entier) - 17/06/2021 (Jour entier)

    The aim of the workshop, organised by EFSA, is to set the scene on the current state-of-the-art in the science of allergenicity assessment and to define what specific elements of such assessment need to be developed to move forward a field still in its infancy.

  • ISO 35001 – An introduction into the biorisk management standard
    11/05/2021 - 10:00 - 13:30

    The ISO 35001 webinar aims to help you understand the fundamentals of the standard and how it can be applied to your organization. It will present the principles of biorisk management, identify the multiple components of a biorisk programme and explore ways to integrate them into the management system(s) in place or to be developed in an institution.

  • Désinfection - Décontamination - Stérilisation du matériel biologique: Notions de bases (French)
    22/04/2021 - 10:00 - 12:30

    Ce cours (en français uniquement) est une introduction au sujet. Il décrit les approches les plus utilisées, en mettant l’accent sur les critères important à évaluer pour le choix d’une approche et la vérification de son efficacité.

  • Biological Risk Assessment – How safe are we in our labs if we apply the risk based approach according to the new WHO Biosafety Manual?
    21/04/2021 - 09:30 - 12:00

    How can we deal with the increased workload during thee COVID-19 pandemic and at the same time guarantee the safety of our employees?

    In this webinar these and other questions will be addressed by using the risk based approach of the new WHO biosafety manual. 

  • BBP symposium 'Biosafety in times of a pandemic: lessons learned from COVID19’
    11/02/2021 (Jour entier)

    Symposium organized by the Belgian Biosafety Professionals

  • Certificat en biosécurité
    08/01/2021 (Jour entier) - 11/06/2021 (Jour entier)

    Les objectifs de la formation sont d’amener les candidats à un niveau de compréhension critique sur les aspects théoriques et pratiques des situations professionnelles complexes. A l’issue de la formation ils seront capables de gérer l’ensemble des activités, de la sécurité et des risques. La formation porte sur les aspects théoriques et est complétée de nombreuses démonstrations pratiques, exercices, analyses de cas, échanges de bonnes pratiques entre pairs.

  • Gene therapy: main approaches and biosafety issues
    12/11/2020 - 10:00 - 13/11/2020 - 12:00

    Online course of EBSA (European Biosafety Association)