Host organism: Brassica napus (Spring oilseed rape)

male sterility, fertility restorer, herbicide tolerance (glufosinate)

Project title: 
Selection and breeding program of Brassica napus hybrid parental lines and hybrids - 5 year program
Aventis CropScience
Year(s) of release: 
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004
Effective year(s) of release: 
2000, 2001, 2002
Period of release: 
In 2002: Nazareth, Maldegem, Bassevelde, Wortegem-Petegem, Kaprijke, Dentergem, Olsene, Oostrozebeke, Vaudignies, Ellezelles, Maffle, Flobecq, Saint Sauveur, Russignies, Orroir, Salles, Saint-Aubin. / In 2003: no trials
Total surface: 
In 2002: 94400 m2
Containment measures: 

According to the Belgian protocol for transgenic Brassica (valid for the cultivation season 2002) an isolation distance of 1000 m to neighbouring commercial Brassica fields that flower in the same period has to be guaranteed. Eight related weed species need to be controlled in a surveillance zone of 40 m surrounding the transgenic field. This zone is extended to 100 m in case of abundant presence of one of these species. The drill and the combine have to be cleaned before and after the experiment. Within the isolation distance the presence of bee-keepers needs to be checked. The non-harvested oilseed rape as well as the post-harvest germinated seedlings will be destroyed.

Monitoring measures: 

According to the Belgian protocol for transgenic Brassica a specific follow-up of the field trial needs to be carried out to control volunteers.


Authorization procedure completed. The notifier was granted authorization from the Federal Minister to perform the trial.

Type of procedure: 
Simplified procedure (continued) - Art. 9§3 of Royal Decree of 18 December 1998

From 2001 on, this dossier gathers both the notifications B/BE/00/VWSP10 and B/BE/00/VWSP9. The protocol for transgenic Brassica is also of application for the field trial of Saint-Aubin, although some derogations were allowed as described in the authorization.